Section: New Results

Perturbation Methods

Participants : Alain Dervieux, Laurent Hascoët.

In the context of the European project NODESIM-CFD (ended 2010), the contribution of Sciport involved mainly the derivation of perturbation methods and reduced order models for the management of uncertainties. These methods rely on Taylor series with second-order terms. The production of second derivative code is obtained through repeated application of Automatic Differentiation. Three strategies can be applied to obtain (elements of) the Hessian matrix, named Tangent-on-Tangent, Tangent-on-Adjoint, and Adjoint-on-Tangent. These new methods are promoted through short courses, e.g. by Alain Dervieux at an ERCOFTAC session (Chatou, 15-16 mai 2012). The application and extension of these methods are part of a FP7 proposal (Proposal UMRIDA, nov. 2012).